Education and Inspiration, Grounded in Strategic Planning

Songleader Boot Camp (SLBC) provides powerful Jewish leadership training for clergy, Jewish educators, religious and day school teachers, family engagement and early childhood specialists, teen leaders, Jewish camping staff, and veteran and new songleaders. Led by nationally renowned Jewish thought leaders, educators, and music artists, SLBC teaches participants specific skills and strategies to inspire transformative change in their Jewish communities. At SLBC, education and inspiration are grounded in strategic planning.

SLBC programs include SLBC national and regional conferences, individual coaching, and leadership training seminars for synagogues, synagogue board of directors, and Jewish conferences.

The SLBC National Conference, held every February, features a wide range of dynamic courses that explore a holistic approach to powerful and effective leadership in the Jewish world. The SLBC National Conference experience is soaked in inspirational Jewish music and communal singing. Participants do not need to sing or play an instrument to fully experience ALL that SLBC has to offer. Music is just one of many vehicles for connection and inspiration that is explored at SLBC conferences.

 SLBC is a national signature initiative of the St. Louis Jewish Community Center.

  • Engage in intensive, super-charged learning with nationally respected Jewish educators, thought-leaders and music artists
  • Become a more effective and engaging presenter and public speaker
  • Create meaningful connections from the bima, in synagogue hallways, at camp, and in all aspects of synagogue life
  • Collaborate with a community of like-minded Jewish professionals
  • Utilize music as a powerful, educational and inspirational vehicle. You don’t need to be a musician!
  • Learn dynamic and relevant ways to reach specific age demographics
  • Acquire new and exciting repertoire

2025 SLBC National Conference

Registration is NOW OPEN for SLBC '25!

The SLBC National Conference is one of the top immersive Jewish leadership training opportunities in the country led by nationally renowned Jewish leaders, educators and music artists. SLBC teaches participants about the many vehicles they have to create powerful, interactive connections, expand leadership abilities, and learn specific skills and techniques to inspire change in their communities.

*The SLBC National Conference includes the SLBC SongTeach Video Archive featuring hundreds of original songs taught by our core educators and presenters!


Conference Site
The J – St. Louis
Jewish Community Center
2 Millstone Campus Dr, St. Louis, MO 63146

Sheraton Westport Chalet Hotel
191 W Port Plaza Dr, St. Louis, MO 63146

Dates & Times

Sunday, February 16: 2pm to 10:30pm
Monday, February 17: 8:45am to 10:30pm
Tuesday, February 18: 8:45am to 3:30pm

I have never seen anything like SLBC in any other environment. The level of inspiration is so high and the commitment to translation is so significant.

– Rabbi Sharon Brous, IKAR, Los Angeles, CA


  • SLBC National Conference – $425
    • Includes all SLBC activities and materials
    • Includes meals during SLBC hours

There is no virtual option to attend SLBC ’25


• Ground Transportation (includes shuttle to/from airport and to/from hotel and conference site): $40
• Shared Hotel Room (Sun & Mon): $150
• Private Hotel Room (Sun & Mon): $300
• Additional Night Shared Hotel Room (Sat): $75
• Additional Night Private Hotel Room (Sat or Tues): $150

Cancellation Policy

If you wish to cancel your SLBC National Conference registration ($425) on or before January 1, 2024 there is a $150 cancellation fee. No registration fees will be refunded after January 1, 2024.
* Expenses already incurred by SLBC will not be refunded after January 30 including hotel and ground transportation.

Group Discounts

SLBC group rates are offered to encourage congregations, camps, Jewish organizations, and entire Jewish communities to work strategically towards creating meaningful and lasting systemic change on an organizational or community-wide scale. SLBC group participants leave SLBC with a shared vocabulary, skill set, and strategy for creating lasting impact in their home communities. SLBC groups will have opportunities to work together as a group to draft a Strategic Road Map specifically created for their organization. This SLBC Strategic Road Map outlines a unified vision, goals, milestones, and specific action items.

For more information about SLBC Group Rates, contact Steven at

Covid Policy


In consultation with medical experts, SLBC has established the following guidelines to ensure the health and safety of our conference participants.

Covid Rapid Test

This year, SLBC does not require every participant to show negative results from a rapid test prior to arriving at the Jewish Community Center in St. Louis on February 16, 2025.

If You Test Positive in St. Louis

If you test positive for Covid in St. Louis, you will be unable to attend in-person SLBC National Conference and will be responsible for arranging your own medical care, housing, and travel.  For this reason, if you are experiencing Covid symptoms, we highly recommend you take a rapid test within 48 hours before traveling to St. Louis to make sure you test negative. No refund will be issued.


SLBC National Conference in-person will be “mask optional” during all sessions.  All participants are encouraged to do what feels safe and comfortable for you.  We ask participants to provide their own masks.

SLBC Security

SLBC is housed at the Jewish Community Center in St. Louis (The J). The J staff is regularly trained for worst-case scenarios in Situational Awareness and for a variety of unlikely events including active shooters and bombs. In February, the J and SLBC will assess and take appropriate security precautions based on recommendations from local law enforcement agencies.

While it is the policy of the J not to publicly disclose specifics regarding security plans, it’s important that you know that they take security very seriously at the J and already practice best practices.

The J is supported by a large and well-run security team, led by Security Director, Scott Biondo who was engaged several years ago to assist all Jewish agencies in their security planning and preparedness. Scott and his team of security professionals are located primarily on the J Campus, but they also provide additional physical presence when appropriate throughout the community.

The J has a direct relationship with both St. Louis County and Chesterfield Police Departments, as well as the St. Louis Fusion Center, a collaborative effort that includes myriad law enforcement agencies to provide resources, expertise, and information to help detect, prevent, investigate and respond to terrorist activity. It is important to note that THERE ARE NO INDICATIONS OF TERRORIST ACTIVITY IN THE ST. LOUIS AREA AT THIS TIME.

2025 SLBC Conference Educators & Presenters

view profile

Rob Aronson

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Daniel Barash

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Dana Bederson

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Rabbi Cecelia Beyer

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Miriam Bird

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Joe Buchanan

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Matthew Check

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Cantor Carol Chesler

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Rabbi Noah Diamondstein

view profile

Rabbi Rebecca Dubowe

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Hazzan Joanna Dulkin

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Rabbi Dr. Koach Baruch Frazier

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Carla Friend

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Rabbi Yosef Goldman

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Hannah Gundersheim

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Alex Hogan

view profile

Rabbi Brad Horwitz

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Rabbi David Ingber

view profile

Billy Jonas

view profile

Shira Kline

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Charlie Kramer

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Jordan Lawrence

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Rabbi Sandra Lawson

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Naomi Less

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Rabbi Annie Lewis

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Eliana Light

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Shahanna McKinney Baldon

view profile

Chava Mirel

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Craig Parks

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Mikey Pauker

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Jay Rapoport

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Elisa Heiligman Recht

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Rick Recht

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Greta Rosenstock

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Rabbi Isaiah Joseph Rothstein

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Rabbi Joel Seltzer

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Rabbi Scott Shafrin

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Cantor Shimon Smith

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Rabbi Susan Talve

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Zoey Waldman-Schein

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Rabbi Josh Warshawsky

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Naomi Wilansky

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Morgan Zweibel

View Our
Past Presenters

Course Offerings at the SLBC Conference

At the SLBC National Conference, participants have the option to attend workshops associated with one or more SLBC Tracks, including Worship Leader, Jewish Educator, Early Childhood, Songleader, Inclusion, and Meditation & Mindfulness. Tracks are meant to be a helpful guide for participants when weighing the many elective sessions offered at SLBC; participants can attend ANY session regardless of whether they ‘identify’ with a particular track.

The SLBC Chavurot (Ramah Chavurah, Day School Chavurah, and Staenberg Teen Chavurah) are cohorts that have their own independent team programming during SLBC National Conference in addition to attending many of the elective sessions. Chavurot are selected or apply for these cohorts separately from SLBC general registration. Some Chavurot sessions are open to all SLBC participants. Sessions listed as “Closed” in the schedule are meant exclusively for members of that Chavurah.

View last year’s SLBC National Conference schedule.

SLBC Tracks

Worship Leaders

The Worship Leader Track was created to support the spiritual, educational, and professional goals of worship leaders including rabbis, cantors, Jewish educators, teens, songleaders, and lay leaders.

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Jewish Educators

All SLBC attendees are Jewish educators. Some teach on the bima, at synagogue, in classrooms, at camp, at youth group events, in song, or other areas of Jewish life.

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Jewish songleaders are some of the most powerful educators and leaders in Jewish life. From its inception, SLBC has featured a diverse offering of courses for both new and veteran song leaders.

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Early Childhood Educators

SLBC offers a variety of courses for individuals who work with young children and their families. Courses in the track focus on leadership skills, strategies, and resources that are particularly unique to this demographic.  read more…

Staenberg Teen Chavurah

With gracious support from the Staenberg Family Foundation, SLBC is excited to continue the Teen Chavurah at SLBC. Led this year by Craig Parks, the goal of the Teen Chavurah program is to build strong, vibrant, future leaders of the Jewish world.

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Ramah Chavurah

For more than a decade, Ramah campers and staff have gathered to be part of the annual SLBC Ramah Chavurah for 3 days of immersive learning, tefilah, strategic road-mapping, songleadership, and spiritual exploration at the SLBC National Conference.

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Middle/Day School Chavurah

In 2018, SLBC launched the SLBC Middle/Day School Chavurah for students in grades six through eight.

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